Root Canal Therapy

Tooth/Teeth may need root canal treatment in order to save and restore them. A tooth will need root canal therapy when the pulp in the root canal becomes infected.
Following are the steps of a root canal therapy
Step 1: Tooth is frozen with local anaesthetic agent.
Step 2: Rubber Dam barrier is placed on the tooth.
Step 3: Access to the root canals is achieved by making a hole either on the chewing surface of the back teeth or the back of the front teeth.
Step4: The infected pulp tissue is removed from the root canals and the root canals are filed and smoothened with hand and rotorary files.
Step 5: The canals are rinsed well , dried and sealed with a material known as Gutta Percha.
Step 6: An X-ray is taken to confirm proper completion of the therapy.
Step7: Doctor may prescribe your antibiotics.
PLEASE note that it is strongly recommended to have a artificial crown placed on the tooth/teeth that had root canal therapy to minimize the chances of future fracture of the teeth .
Advances in dental technology have made root canal therapy relatively pain-free experience.